Dir Print SVCS and Hardware: Dir-CPO-5416
Contract number DIR-CPO-5416 (Click here to see this contract on the DIR website) se aplica a la compra de servicios de imágenes de documentos, soluciones, software, hardware y servicios de soporte relacionados. Para obtener más información sobre el programa de contratos de cooperativas DIR, visitar la página de información general del DIR aquí.
Click here to download our current price list.
Contract number DIR-CPO-5416 must be referenced on all quotes and POs.
Garantía de servicios DataXport y política de devolución:
Any services to be provided by DataXport shall conform to the standards generally observed in the industry for similar services.
Such services shall be performed in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations or orders.
DataXport guarantees its services based on information provided in writing with original purchase order and agreed to by both parties; and offers at no additional cost to the customer to replace defective electronic media/re-process all documents or data that do not meet the agreed quality standards. DX guarantees 99.5% accuracy on Document Imaging and Data Processing Services.
Se aceptan devoluciones de hardware y software a discreción de la política de devolución de cada fabricante. El cliente puede ser responsable del envío de devolución y las tarifas de reposición pueden variar según el producto.
To request a quote, contact:
Beatriz Fernandez, Business Development Director